    • 21 Dec 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Article Summary

    The GenICam Control Tool (GCT) permits communication with cameras that fulfill the GenICam standards. The tool allows one to set up a camera, browse and adjust parameters, perform camera calibration tasks, and visualize and analyze acquired images.

    The following graphic shows an overview of the connection between the GCT software and the camera. The host software uses the CSGenICam SDK to connect to the camera. Regarding the GenIcam GenTL standard, the software and your program are interface-independent. The only difference is that the appropriate transport layer should be used for each interface type. This means if you are using a GigE camera, you need a network adapter and the s2i or Kithara transport layer, if you want to use a CoaXPress camera you need a frame grabber and the CoaXPress transport layer (delivered from the frame grabber vendor).

    svg-camera-software communication3Scheme of the communication between a host software and the camera 

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