    • 06 Sep 2024
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    Article summary

    Release 2.8.0 - (September 2024)


    Release Notes

    allPIXA neo 4k 10GigE Color

    allPIXA neo 4k 10GigE Mono

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color - NIR

    New features

    • Line rate up to 80KHz (@8bit RGB) is supported

    • FrameActive trigger selector is not available for allPIXA neo

    • Extended LineSource enum entries with LineTrigger, FrameTrigger and Exposure. Storing/loading of user set entries with these sources are supported

    • Limit the LineDistance value to 3.0

    • Extended the DeviceVoltageSelector upto 16 channels

    • Improvements on Gain Control and Black Level Control

    • Support info block for mono mode(LineStatus)

    • Changed the visibility of DeviceVersion, DeviceManufacturerInfo features from Invisible to Beginner

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed bug when entering the calibration mode and check of calibration active

    • Fix Black Level Control during Acquisition when there is no line trigger


    • First line info block may have error for exposure time

    • DeviceReset is not yet supported

    • Not supported features are

      • MasterSlaveControl

      • LedFlashControl

      • DecimationHorizontalFloat

      • IO Analyzer

    • Limitations for mono mode:

      • Internal DSNU/PRNU reference capturing is not working

    • The Gain Control Region value may not be precisely located

    • The Gain Control Region current values, may not be precise

    Release 1.1.0 - (December 2023)


    New features

    allPIXA neo 4k 10GigE Color

    DeviceLogLevel, Change Exposure time during grabbing, Extended gain range

    allPIXA neo 4k 10GigE Mono

    DeviceLogLevel, Change Exposure time during grabbing, Extended gain range

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color

    DeviceLogLevel, Change Exposure time during grabbing, Extended gain range

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color

    DeviceLogLevel, Change Exposure time during grabbing, Extended gain range

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color - NIR

    DeviceLogLevel, Change Exposure time during grabbing, Extended gain range

    Release 1.0.0 - (November 2023)


    New features

    allPIXA neo 4k 10GigE Color 

    Init version 

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color  

    Init version 

    allPIXA neo 6k 10GigE Color  - NIR

    Init version 

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