Data Structure Documentation
    • 02 Jul 2024
    • 9 Minutes to read
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    Data Structure Documentation

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    Article summary

    csiAcquistionStatistics Struct Reference

    Structure containing acquisition statistics.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiAcquistionStatistics:

    Data Fields

    int64_t framesUnderrun

    int64_t framesDropped

    int64_t framesAcquired

    int64_t networkPacketsOK

    int64_t networkPacketsError

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing acquisition statistics.


    Negative statistic values indicate that they are not available.

    Field Documentation

    int64_t framesAcquired

    Total number of frames acquired in current acquisition.

    int64_t framesDropped

    Number of frames dropped during acquisition.

    int64_t framesUnderrun

    The number of frames that were received in the TL but not send to the application because of missing buffers.

    int64_t networkPacketsError

    For GigE Vision: The number of network packets sent with an error.

    int64_t networkPacketsOK

    For GigE Vision: The number of network packets received without errors..

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiCalibrationParams Struct Reference

    Structure containing calibration parameters.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiCalibrationParams:

    Data Fields

    bool enableROI

    int64_t yStartROI

    int64_t heightROI

    bool enableExtrapolationLeft

    bool enableExtrapolationRight

    int64_t extrapolationLeft

    int64_t extrapolationRight

    int64_t extrapolationWidth

    uint64_t firstValidPixel

    int64_t targetValue

    bool calcImprove

    double contrast

    double brightness

    bool isCCDSensor = false

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing calibration parameters.

    Field Documentation

    double brightness

    Brightness value for calibration.

    bool calcImprove

    To enable outlier suppression

    double contrast

    Contrast value for calibration.

    bool enableExtrapolationLeft

    To enable/disable extrapolation based PRNU calibration generation on the left side of the image.

    bool enableExtrapolationRight

    To enable/disable extrapolation based PRNU calibration generation on the right side of the image.

    bool enableROI

    To enable ROI based PRNU calibration data generation.

    int64_t extrapolationLeft

    The first column on the left side of the image that starts the extrapolation area in left side.

    int64_t extrapolationRight

    The last column on the right side of the image that ends the extrapolation area in right side.

    int64_t extrapolationWidth

    The width of the extrapolation area on both left and right side.

    uint64_t firstValidPixel

    Pixel offset of the loaded image.Start position of first valid pixel.In firmware version older than 2.2.0, the first pixel has default offset 1. In firmware 2.2.0 or newer,the first pixelhas default offset value 0.

    int64_t heightROI

    Height of the ROI used for PRNU calibration generation.

    bool isCCDSensor = false

    For CCD Sensors, the extrapolation process is done differently than for CMOS sensors (All GigE and CXP-based Chromasens cameras).

    int64_t targetValue

    For PRNU, the target value of the resultant pixel value. Example, the max value of 8 bit pixel is 255.

    int64_t yStartROI

    The row number of the source image which is the beginning of ROI.

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiDataStreamInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing data stream infomation.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiDataStreamInfo:

    Data Fields

    char identifier [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char displayName [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    uint32_t index

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing data stream infomation.

    Field Documentation

    char displayName[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Display name of a data stream that can be used for GUI representation

    char identifier[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Unique identifier of a data stream

    uint32_t index

    Internal index of the data stream

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiDeviceInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing detailed device information.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiDeviceInfo:

    Data Fields

    char deviceIdentifier [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]




    char serialNumber [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char interfaceDescription [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char interfaceID [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]


    char version [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    int64_t cameraSwPackageIsConsistent

    csiTLProducerInfos tlProducerInfos

    csiDeviceAccessStatus accessStatus

    uint64_t timestampFrequediscncy

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing detailed device information.

    Field Documentation

    csiDeviceAccessStatus accessStatus

    The current access status of the device, see csiDeviceAccessStatus

    int64_t cameraSwPackageIsConsistent

    char deviceIdentifier[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Unique identifier of the device

    char interfaceDescription[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Name or description of the interface the device is connected to


    Unique identifier of the interface the device is connected to


    Model name of the device


    Name of the device

    char serialNumber[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Serial number of the device

    uint64_t timestampFrequediscncy

    Frequency of the timestamps coming from the device

    csiTLProducerInfos tlProducerInfos

    Information about the transport layer the device is connected to


    Username when opening the device


    Vendor of the device


    Version of the device

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiDiscoveryInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about device discovery.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiDiscoveryInfo:

    Data Fields

    uint32_t numDevices

    double progress

    bool discoveryRunning

    csiDeviceInfo devices [CSI_DISCOVERY_INFO_DEVICE_COUNT]

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about device discovery.

    Field Documentation

    csiDeviceInfo devices[CSI_DISCOVERY_INFO_DEVICE_COUNT]

    A list of devices found so far. The number of the devices found might exceed the size of this list, in which case the information must be acquired using the csiGetDeviceInfo() function.

    bool discoveryRunning

    Indicates if the discovery is still ongoing (true) or finished (false)

    uint32_t numDevices

    Current number of devices found during discovery

    double progress

    Discovery progress

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiDownloadParams Struct Reference

    Structure containing Download parameters and options.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiDownloadParams:

    Data Fields

    csiFileTransferParams fileParams

    csiDownloadOptions options

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing Download parameters and options.

    Field Documentation

    csiFileTransferParams fileParams

    csiDownloadOptions options

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiEventData Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about event.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiEventData:

    Data Fields

    csiEventType type

    csiHandle sender

    csiModuleLevel senderType

    char * tl_rawEventData

    size_t tl_rawEventDataSizeBytes

    char * eventValue

    size_t eventValueSizeBytes

    uint64_t eventIdentifier

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about event.

    Field Documentation

    uint64_t eventIdentifier

    Event identifier

    char* eventValue

    The received value that was shipped together with the event. This can be for example the image data or a error description text in case of an error event. How to interpret the value depends on the type of event.

    size_t eventValueSizeBytes

    Size of the eventValue member in bytes

    csiHandle sender

    Handle to the sender of the event

    csiModuleLevel senderType

    Module level of the sender handle, see csiModuleLevel

    char* tl_rawEventData

    Raw data pointer to the event data as it was sent by the producer. This is just the raw data of the event which contains information about the type of event itself and not the value behind the event. See eventValue to get the actual value (e.g., image data) behind the event, if any.

    size_t tl_rawEventDataSizeBytes

    Size of the eventData member in bytes

    csiEventType type

    Type of the event, see csiEventType

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiFeatureParameter Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about raw feature parameter.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiFeatureParameter:

    Data Fields

    csiFeatureType type

    csiFeatureVisibility visibility

    csiAccessMode access

    csiDisplayNotation displayNotation

    csiRepresentation representation

    char displayPrecision

    int64_t valueInt

    int64_t incrementInt

    int64_t minimumInt

    int64_t maximumInt

    int64_t validValueSetInt [CSI_INFO_INT_BUFFER_SIZE]

    size_t validValueSetSizeInt

    double valueFlt

    double incrementFlt

    double minimumFlt

    double maximumFlt


    size_t maximumStringLength

    int64_t level

    uint32_t enumCounter

    int32_t enumIndex

    char displayName [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]


    char tooltip [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char valueUnit [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    size_t featureRegLength

    int64_t featureRegAddress

    bool isFeature

    bool isLittleEndian

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about raw feature parameter.

    Field Documentation

    csiAccessMode access

    How a feature can be accessed, see csiAccessMode

    char displayName[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Display name of the feature for UI display

    csiDisplayNotation displayNotation

    How to display floating point features, see csiDisplayNotation. (Optional)

    char displayPrecision

    Precision of floating-point value representation

    uint32_t enumCounter

    Number of elements in the enumeration feature

    int32_t enumIndex

    The index of an enumeration entry

    int64_t featureRegAddress

    Address of a register feature

    size_t featureRegLength

    Length of a register feature

    double incrementFlt

    Possible increment for the feature value, in case of floating-point feature type

    int64_t incrementInt

    Possible increment for the feature value, in case of integer feature type

    bool isFeature

    Requested node is a feature

    bool isLittleEndian

    int64_t level

    The level of a feature in the tree (for graphical representation)

    double maximumFlt

    Maximum for the feature value, in case of floating-point feature type

    int64_t maximumInt

    Maximum for the feature value, in case of integer feature type

    size_t maximumStringLength

    Maximum length of the string feature value

    double minimumFlt

    Minimum for the feature value, in case of floating-point feature type

    int64_t minimumInt

    Minimum for the feature value, in case of integer feature type


    The name that identifies a feature

    csiRepresentation representation

    How feature data should be represented, see csiRepresentation (Optional)


    Additional information about the feature that can be shown as tooltip in a GUI

    csiFeatureType type

    Data type of the feature, see csiFeatureType

    int64_t validValueSetInt[CSI_INFO_INT_BUFFER_SIZE]

    size_t validValueSetSizeInt

    double valueFlt

    Value of the feature, in case of floating-point feature type

    int64_t valueInt

    Value of the feature, in case of integer feature type


    Value of the feature, in case of string feature type


    String unit to append to the value representation in a GUI

    csiFeatureVisibility visibility

    The visibility of a feature, see csiFeatureVisibility

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiFileTransferParams Struct Reference

    Structure containing file transfer parameter.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiFileTransferParams:

    Data Fields

    const char * fileName

    const char * fileType

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing file transfer parameter.

    Field Documentation

    const char* fileName

    const char* fileType

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiImageInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about captured image.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiImageInfo:

    Data Fields

    uint32_t width

    uint32_t height

    uint32_t linePitch

    uint32_t numChannels

    csiPixelFormat format

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about captured image.

    Field Documentation

    csiPixelFormat format

    Pixel format of the image data, see csiPixelFormat

    uint32_t height

    Height of the image

    uint32_t linePitch

    Line pitch of the image data in bytes

    uint32_t numChannels

    Number of channels

    uint32_t width

    Width of the image

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiMemTransferInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about memory transfer.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiMemTransferInfo:

    Data Fields

    csiHandle device

    size_t totalBytesToTransfer

    size_t bytesTransferred

    csiMemTransferStatus status

    csiErr errorCode

    const char * progressText

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about memory transfer.

    Field Documentation

    size_t bytesTransferred

    Current number of bytes already transferred.

    csiHandle device

    Handle to the device where the transfer is running on.

    csiErr errorCode

    Error code in case an error occurred.

    const char* progressText

    Progress information text.

    csiMemTransferStatus status

    Status of the memory transfer, see csiMemTransferStatus.

    size_t totalBytesToTransfer

    Total number of bytes to be transferred.

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiNewBufferEventData Struct Reference

    Structure containing data of an incoming buffer event.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiNewBufferEventData:

    Public Member Functions

    csiNewBufferEventData ()

    ~csiNewBufferEventData ()

    csiNewBufferEventData (const csiNewBufferEventData &other)

    csiNewBufferEventData (csiNewBufferEventData &&other) noexcept

    csiNewBufferEventData & operator= (csiNewBufferEventData &other)

    csiNewBufferEventData & operator= (csiNewBufferEventData &&other) noexcept

    Data Fields

    csiEventType type { CSI::csiEventType::CSI_EVT_NEWIMAGEDATA }

    csiHandle sender { CSI_EMPTY_HANDLE }

    csiModuleLevel senderType { CSI::csiModuleLevel::CSI_UNKNOWN_MODULE }

    char * tl_rawEventData { nullptr }

    size_t tl_rawEventDataSizeBytes { 0 }

    unsigned char * eventValue { nullptr }

    size_t eventValueSizeBytes { 0 }

    uint64_t eventIdentifier { 0 }

    csiHandle bufferHandle { 0 }

    uint64_t imageNr { 0 }

    uint64_t bufferIdentifier { 0 }

    uint64_t timestampMS { 0 }

    uint64_t timestampRaw { 0 }

    csiImageInfo imageInfo {}

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing data of an incoming buffer event.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    csiNewBufferEventData ()

    ~csiNewBufferEventData ()

    csiNewBufferEventData (const csiNewBufferEventData & other)

    csiNewBufferEventData (csiNewBufferEventData && other)[noexcept]

    Member Function Documentation

    csiNewBufferEventData & operator= (csiNewBufferEventData && other)[noexcept]

    csiNewBufferEventData & operator= (csiNewBufferEventData & other)

    Field Documentation

    csiHandle bufferHandle { 0 }

    Handle to the buffer holding the image (for internal use)

    uint64_t bufferIdentifier { 0 }

    Unique identifier of the image, usually the pointer as integer representation

    uint64_t eventIdentifier { 0 }

    Unique identifier of this event

    unsigned char* eventValue { nullptr }

    Pointer to the image data

    size_t eventValueSizeBytes { 0 }

    Size of the image data in bytes

    csiImageInfo imageInfo {}

    Further image information, see csiImageInfo

    uint64_t imageNr { 0 }

    Number of the recorded image

    csiHandle sender { CSI_EMPTY_HANDLE }

    Sender of the event, a stream handle

    csiModuleLevel senderType { CSI::csiModuleLevel::CSI_UNKNOWN_MODULE }

    Type of the sender, this is always CSI_STREAM_MODULE for this type of event

    uint64_t timestampMS { 0 }

    Timestamp of the image in milliseconds

    uint64_t timestampRaw { 0 }

    Raw timestamp of the image

    char* tl_rawEventData { nullptr }

    Raw data pointer to the event data as it was sent by the producer. This is just the raw data of the event which contains information about the type of event itself and not the value behind the event. See eventValue to get the actual value (e.g., image data) behind the event, if any.

    size_t tl_rawEventDataSizeBytes { 0 }

    Size of the eventData member in bytes

    csiEventType type { CSI::csiEventType::CSI_EVT_NEWIMAGEDATA }

    Type of the event, this is always CSI_EVT_NEWIMAGEDATA for this type of event

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiTLInterfaceDiscoveryInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about transport layer interface discovery.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiTLInterfaceDiscoveryInfo:

    Data Fields

    uint32_t numInterfaces

    double progress

    bool discoveryRunning

    csiTLInterfaceInfo interfaceInfos [CSI_TL_INTERFACE_COUNT]

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about transport layer interface discovery.

    Field Documentation

    bool discoveryRunning

    Indicates if the discovery is still ongoing (true) or finished (false)

    csiTLInterfaceInfo interfaceInfos[CSI_TL_INTERFACE_COUNT]

    A list of TL interfaces found so far.

    uint32_t numInterfaces

    number of interfaces

    double progress

    Discovery progress

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiTLInterfaceInfo Struct Reference

    Structure containing information about transport layer interface.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiTLInterfaceInfo:

    Data Fields

    char interfaceDescription [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char interfaceID [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    csiTLProducerInfos tlProducerInfos

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing information about transport layer interface.

    Field Documentation

    char interfaceDescription[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    interface description


    interface id

    csiTLProducerInfos tlProducerInfos

    information of TL producers

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiTLProducerInfos Struct Reference

    Structure containing infomation about transport layer producer.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiTLProducerInfos:

    Data Fields

    char transportLayerName [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char transportLayerDisplayName [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char transportLayerType [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char transportLayerPath [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    char transportLayerID [CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    size_t pathSizeInBytes

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing infomation about transport layer producer.

    Field Documentation

    size_t pathSizeInBytes

    Length of the transport layer path.

    char transportLayerDisplayName[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Display name of a transport layer for GUI representation.

    char transportLayerID[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Unique identifier of the transport layer as string.

    char transportLayerName[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Name of a transport layer.

    char transportLayerPath[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Full path to the transport layer library file (.cti file).

    char transportLayerType[CSI_INFO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]

    Type of the transport layer as string.

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


    csiUploadParams Struct Reference

    Structure containing Upload parameters and options.

    #include <csi/csi.h>

    Collaboration diagram for csiUploadParams:

    Data Fields

    csiFileTransferParams fileParams

    csiUploadOptions options

    Detailed Description

    Structure containing Upload parameters and options.

    Field Documentation

    csiFileTransferParams fileParams

    csiUploadOptions options

    The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


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