Adjustment Target
    • 09 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Adjustment Target

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    Article summary

    To permit the alignment of the allPIXA camera with software assistance, the adjustment target is required. 

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    As the alignment target must be customized to your application, please contact our with the following information:

    • Field of View of one camera

    • Optical resolution of Camera

    • Number of cameras

    • Overlapping area with multiple cameras.

    • Total Field of View with multiple cameras

    The following options are available for purchasing the alignment target:

    • Chromasens creates the customized adjustment target with the given specifications -> Linear Target CC03138-….

    • Chromasens provides a digital target in dxf file format and technical drawing. The target can be produced by a manufacturer of free choice.

    Further more also two json-Files are created by Chromasens, which must be loaded to the GCT for adjustment

    The Json Files AdjustParameterDescription.json and AdjustRulerDescription.json must be stored locally on the PC.

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